ifm electronic/易福门 供应产品 全部分类
Inductive sensors
Capacitive sensors
Magnetic sensors
Cylinder sensors
Ultrasonic sensors
Photoelectric sensors
Photoelectric fork sensors / angle sensors
Laser sensors
Fibre optic sensors and amplifiers
Photoelectric sensors for specific applications
Feedback systems for valves and valve actuators
Inclination sensors
Systems for evaluation of standard signals
Systems for signal conversion
Pulse evaluation systems
Vision sensors
3D cameras
Fail-safe inductive sensors
Safety light curtains
Safety light grids
Safety relays
AS-Interface Safety at Work
Pressure sensors
Flow sensors / flow meters
Conductivity sensors
Level sensors
Temperature sensors
Signal evaluation systems
AS-Interface masters
AS-Interface power supplies and monitors
AS-Interface I/O modules
AS-Interface wiring technology
RFID 125 kHz
RFID 13,56 MHz
1D/2D code readers
Systems for vibration monitoring and diagnostics
Systems for oil quality monitoring
Units for operation and monitoring
Cameras for mobile applications
Diagnostic and service units
Connection technology
Power supplies
IIoT Software Solutions