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  2. 其他生产机器
  3. 调动生产线
  4. HongCheng Mining Equipment Co., Ltd.

调动生产线 HCQ

调动生产线 - HCQ - HongCheng Mining Equipment Co., Ltd. - 自动
调动生产线 - HCQ - HongCheng Mining Equipment Co., Ltd. - 自动




Industrial grade calcium hydroxide production The power consumption of the HCQ digestion system solution for the production of industrial-grade calcium hydroxide is low among many similar equipment and production lines. The power consumption for the production of calcium hydroxide is 18-23 degrees per ton (depending on the difference in the effective calcium oxide content). Quality Standard of Calcium Hydroxide Calcium hydroxide complies with the standard "HGT4120-2009 Industrial Calcium Hydroxide". The limescale powder complies with the "Paint Grade Limescale Powder Standard-001-2016". Raw material selection for producing calcium hydroxide It is not recommended to use metallurgical lime for deep processing. The deep processing lime for producing calcium hydroxide, lime powder, etc. must meet the deep processing standards. It is recommended to use lime with an effective calcium oxide content of more than 90% to produce calcium hydroxide. The whiteness of lime powder should be good. Product Advantages 1HQ Digester The stirring shaft blades of the pre-digestion system are made of wear-resistant alloy material and have a long service life. 2Water distribution Intelligent water distribution system 3Slag removal After digestion, slag can be discharged to improve the purity of calcium hydroxide. 4Good dust removal effect Pulse bag dust removal and water dust removal dual dust removal system, dust removal efficiency can reach 30mg/m³ 5Digestion is sufficient Constant temperature digestion, small footprint, effective digestion length of 35-40 meters, achieving full digestion 6Advanced control system PLC fully automatic control to enhance quality control capabilities

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